• Question: Do you like animals under the sea I like dolphins

    Asked by 673spag42 to Betty, Isaac, Kieran, Silvia, Will on 4 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Silvia Pardo

      Silvia Pardo answered on 4 Nov 2016:

      I work in a marine laboratory so yes! I really like jellyfish, they are beautiful.

    • Photo: Kieran Arnold

      Kieran Arnold answered on 4 Nov 2016:

      I do, my favour sea creature is the manatee

    • Photo: Betty Bonnardel-Azzarelli

      Betty Bonnardel-Azzarelli answered on 5 Nov 2016:

      I love dolphins too! They are very clever animals. One of my friends is a sound engineer and is studying marine under sea sounds at Southampton University. You should check that type of engineering! But space engineering also relies a lot on the knowledge of sea. Astronauts are trained in swimming pools, and the study of sea and animals helps some of the experiments made in the space. Space also helps the oceans, there are satellites measuring the height of the sea, the currents etc.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 8 Nov 2016:

      I love dolphins. I do a lot of conservation and charity work to help protect marine life.
